Sunday, October 26, 2008

high shutter speed

Fountain- ISO:1600, Shutter Speed: 1/4000 sec, Aperture: f/5.0

This is a high shutter speed photo of a water fountain when the streaming water gets cut off. Capturing this image at the right moment was difficult because I had to release the button and take the picture right then. So I had trouble balancing the camera at first but after taking 20 photos I could choose the best image. I also had to adjust the aperture and the ISO according to the shutter speed because in order to capture a fast movement, I needed the shutter speed to be 1/4000 of a second and so I adjusted the aperture as big as I was able to and adjusted the ISO as high as possible.


Jeep- ISO: 100, Shutter Speed: 1/15 sec, Aperture: f/22.0
This is a panned image that was taken in low shutter speed. I wanted to capture the car's movement but it was difficult in timing the capture time. Luckily I was able to capture the front part of the car and also display motion by the wheels and the background. By panning the photo in a shutter speed of 1/15 sec, I was able to avoid a vertical shake and capture a well focused image.

low shutter speed

Drinking water-
ISO: 100, Shutter Speed: 1/8, Aperture: f/5.0

This is a slow shutter speed photo of myself drinking water at the water fountain. My body is transparent, so the water that is streaming out from the fountain is visible. I wanted to capture my movement and also the fountain water. So, to capture this image, there were some difficulties such as timing. For this image, I had to step out of the image at the right moment to capture myself drinking water and at the same time move quickly enough to make myself transparent so the water streaming out is visible. I put the camera on low shutter speed and timer mode, so that I would be able to move at the right moment.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Shutter Speed Assignment

The shutter speed assignment will deal with the use of shutter speed and its effects. I will use a Picasa gallery to show my pictures. I will take 6 images in total, 2 high speed photos (water and a falling object), 2 panned photos (a car and a bike), and 2 photos taken from a tripod at slow speed (water fountain and the hallway).

Oct 6: Take Photos
Oct 8: Finish taking photos and start editing
Oct 12: Finish editing, upload photos
Oct 14: Finish anything not completed Project due by 4:30

Monday, September 22, 2008

High Speed Photo

This image was taken by Andrew Davidhazy. Click here.
  • This photo shows a tomato being pierced through by a bullet. The tomato itself is being blown up by the impact of the bullet. The background is solid black.
  • Finding the appropriate shutter speed to capture this image could have been a difficulty in capturing this image because a bullet travels extremely fast. Also since the shutter speed must have been very high, it could not have captured much light, so there must have been many lighting equipment to keep the image bright. Finding the exact moment to take the picture must have also been a difficulty because the bullet being fired is almost instantaneous, so many shots must have been taken to find the best image.
  • This picture gives you a sense of motion because of the exploding tomato. The two sides of the tomato are being blown up and the impact of the bullet is so great that tomato juice is flying all over. You can also see the bullet being already pierced out of the tomato, which also gives you a sense of its motion.